DENA works to provide diaper (bag) essentials to new Americans.

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Get Involved

DENA relies on donations in order to provide new Americans (immigrants and refugees) with much-needed diaper essentials. Learn more below.

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Our Mission

Born from a lunch-time debate in the summer of 2020, DENA is dedicated to fulfilling underserved needs of underserved communities. While a number of charities, like diaper banks, provide diapers to low income new mothers, there is a gap when it comes to other essential diaper supplies - diaper bags, baby wipes, changing pads, and more. DENA was formed to fill this gap for new Americans (immigrants and refugees), who often lack not only the means to buy these supplies, but often also the knowledge to seek them out. Our mission is to fill this critical need by working with partner organizations to spread the use of these essential baby supplies in immigrant and refugee communities. We want our newest Americans to also be healthy Americans!

Our Partners

DENA has partnered with a number of organizations—primarily in the Tri-State Area—in order to reach as many New Americans as possible.

Make a difference.

Your donation will go directly towards purchasing Diaper Essentials for New Americans.